Friday, July 10, 2009

Day Seven

Today we head to Yellowstone NP. No pix for a while--need to find a digital photo place to download from my chip--brought the wrong cord. Hard to choose pix anyway--got a lot.

went by the Tetons again on the way to YNP. At Ox Bow Bend saw white Pelicans swimming in the river.

North of Ox Bow is where we got the shot of Mt. Moran reflected in the lake--pic at the end of Day Six.
Helen spotted several wildflowers-to identify later. Ran into roadwork--had a little of that all the way to, thru, and past YNP. Not a big deal. Had a call from Steve Addante--payback for me calling him while he was on a fishing vacation.

We could see what Holly McKoy had talked about. The fire of 1989 leveled the landscape--just thin trunks still standing--then around them you can see the new growth--"baby" trees all over.

Got stopped by a stoplite jut like the one on Spring Creek over I90--doesn't work as well here--too far away.

Went into YNP from South. Pretty soon a deep canyon (Lewis River Canyon) on the right (Guess who's side?) palms sweaty again.

stopped to dial in on a conference call to the EB meeting in Aurora. Jim Sikich asked if we had seen any jackalopes yet--I couldn't come up with a suitable answer.

stopped at Old Faithful--absolute zoo in parking lot. went for ice cream in one store--long wait--young man gave us huge cones for a single dip--he said he just liked us!!

In the Old Faithful part of the park, there are lots of geysers and hot springs--60% of the world's geysers, etc. are in YNP.

A few of the geysers erupt sporadically--none regularly like OF.

Fountian Paint Pot and other "pots" are muddy pools which bubble up constantly--occasionally one of these will blow up on the walkway.

Saw two elk--people there had just taken a pic of a wolf watching the elk. Later saw more buffalo and elk. Also drove by an eagle's nest--the eagle was perched on the nest.

Went into Montana--still in the park.
Stayed in West Yellowstone--west entrance of the park--town was somewhat of a zoo until about 8:00. Just for grins drove about 10 miles west and went into Idaho--Helen tired and has had wnough for one day.

got one state today--Delaware. We now have 46 states.

Stats: 22840; 2,142 miles; 24.0 mpg; 89.2 gal used; 49:19 driving time, aver 43.6 mph

So ends Day Seven

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to go to Yellowstone too. If camping goes well maybe we'll start practicing more and get ambitious in a couple of years.

    I was just trying to explain to Carrie about jackalopes. I can't remember where the joke came from, but having seen our jack rabbits and mistaken them for deer a couple of times, I see where they got that idea.
