Monday, July 13, 2009

Day Twelve

Left Spearfish--on to Mt. Rushmore. First nat park where we have had to pay--$10 for parking. Soil looks red here--Rapid City. Hills are really black. The stone is granite.

Four presidents is impressive--pix can't capture the mountain. Went to film after--still a good idea. Lots of work and several things changed in the middle. Jefferson was supposed to be on left, but had problems--blew Jefferson off the mt. and went to Plan B.

Went to Crazy Horse Monument--$20. Really impressive--started in 1948 and just keeps going--no taxpayer monies--all donations. Talked to an Indian lady about beads--since the trappers started coming, the beads are from Europe--now most are from Czeckslovakia.

Went thru town of Custer--they have painted buffaloes--like cows in Chicago.

Went to Dakota Badlands--totally different from WY and CO. drove the 30 mile loop--lots of stops for pix. Left park at north end and went to Wall, SD, home of Wall Drugs--unbelievable tourist stop in town of 818 people. Half must work at Wall Drug. copied my second DVD--I have taken over 1,800 MB of pix--filled up the card twice.

Helenbought a little necklace made of Black Hills gold--which isn't really from the Black Hills but is a style of putting different colors of gold together--and all pieces have some sort of a leaf as part of the piece.

Stats: 23951; 3.253 mi.;24.0 mpg; 77:04 time;aver 42.3 mph

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